Feeling After Learning about Software Engineering

Software Engineering II

Before taking the class of software Engineering, I thought the class was just going talk about developing a website. However, I was wrong, Software Engineering is not just about developing a website, it teaches about coding standard, the right or wrong how site work, and frames work that help and why it helps. Things I learned from this class, can use for other coding project like making games and etc.

Rule for Programing Language

Every programming language have it own coding standard. Coding standard is like the textbook way of doing the code. In the class, I have learned about ESlint and now when I am trying to practice on Java, I will look online for coding standard for Java too. I find check style is the coding standard for Java. With coding Standard, coding is more clear and more understandable by others.

Framework to make life easier

Software Engineering not only tell me to just create a website with pure HTML. Which can look very dull and not interesting. However, the class teach me about a UI framework called react and semantic UI. With UI framework I could save up a lot of time from doing my own css for the same result. Now my site look much better than just pure HTML.

Right and wrong for software Engineering

Before learning about software engineering, I never think about the ethics of coding. It codes a skill to just earn money or to help other that cannot? Ethic in Software Engineering teach me that site should be made for a useful thing and not mainly for the money or to scam others. I found my own ethics in software Engineering and will chose to follow it. Site to help not to scam.

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