Make uniform and readable code with Coding Standards

Grammar of programming languages

There are coding standards for all the programming languages; many may think coding standards only help fix spacing problems and some syntax problems. And sometimes code still work without following the coding standards; that's true, but the coding standard is like the grammar of programming language. It not only fixes the fundamental problem; it helps uniform the language so other developers who follow the coding standard will understand the code. So, the brief definition of coding standards; makes the code easy to understand and provides consistency in the code. Keeping the same coding standards in a group project can help others better understand the code and solve bugs or problems together more efficiently.

Tools that help with coding standard

Programmers don't have to remember all the coding standards for all the languages. Because there are many plugins/tools that help with coding standards and styling. For example, Eslint; is a static code analysis tool for identifying problematic patterns found in Javascript code.

Coding in Javascript with ESLint

ESLint is the coding standard that I have used the most when coding in Javascript. However, I feel happy and annoying with the past few projects using ESLint. ESLint was helpful to remind me to stop using the same name for many variables, which has helped me solve some of the problems I did not know what was wrong. Also, ESLint helps uniform the coding standard between teammates, making code review much more effortless.

Still, sometimes ESLint gets annoying since ESLint only gives you a green arrow if all rules are followed, but many times, ESLint gives me a yellow warning. I am a person that wants to see the green arrow to feel fulfilled even though a yellow warning does not affect code execution. And spending time to fix that will help me learn but also waste time that could be used to create new and more stable functions.

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